stay wild & free

lisa james Artistry

"Nature is the Art of God." - Dante

My Story

A little bit about me.
I love photography. Since the days of disposable cameras and Clark's Mail-in film developing service (okay, I'm dating myself). Regardless, I have a passion for photography and art. I love nature, wildlife and landscapes. I love the crashing surf against a rugged coastline, sunrises and sunsets and my Jeep named WildChild that takes me to cool places to capture stunning photography here in New England. I have an awesome husband for 20 years, two beautiful daughters, two amazing grandbaby boys and two of the coolest Bengal cats ever. You could probably find me on an early morning sunrise at the marsh or lighthouse or possibly a happening bird trail. Definitely outdoors where there is dramatic skies, high winds and crazy air. My passion is truly to share that passion with you. I hope you enjoy my photography, art and vision. - Lisa

Delivery & Returns

Free shipping on products. Products only sold within the Continental U.S. presently. Products are refundable if not satisfied with purchase within two weeks of purchase.

Payment Info

Purchases can be made through Paypal or Venmo.

Explore Nature, Landscapes & Wildlife

Products range from high quality prints, canvas & metal of many sizes to ornaments, magnets and wood photograph wall decor.

Contact Us

Westbrook, ME 04092
Get directions
Open hours
Daily 9:00 AM — 5:00 PM